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Here you will find actionable tips and insights to help you gain careerĀ clarity and increase your earning potential.

Balancing Professional and Personal Growth for Career Advancement

May 27, 2024

As a single working mother, finding the ideal and flexible level of balance between our personal and professional lives can sometimes feel like an impossible feat. We strive to excel in our careers while also being present for our children and nurturing our own personal growth. 

YOU: So, Kristina, tell me exactly how I can we achieve it! 

ME: I got you!

Let's first explore the significance of work-life balance and provide three practical ways to improve it. Plus, we'll introduce an opportunity to join our free workshop on resume writing and interview best practices, designed specifically for ambitious working mothers like you.


Please note, there are multiple definitions of balance. This word has ruffled many feathers because they view it from the perspective of a constant 50/50 flow. Might I challenge that just a bit?

 Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages

bal·ance noun

  1. even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady."she lost her balance before falling"Similar:stabilityequilibriumsteadinessfootingOpposite:instability
  2. 2.a condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions."try to keep a balance between work and relaxation"

It's the "correct proportions" reference for me and I reserve the right to flex on those proportions as needed. :)


So let's chat...

Why exactly is work-life balance important?

Work-life balance is crucial because it allows us to nurture both our personal and professional growth without neglecting either. By maintaining this balance that we get to define for ourselves, we can:

  1. Avoid Burnout: Juggling the demands of work and family life can leave us feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. Finding balance ensures we have the energy and mental clarity to perform at our best in all aspects of life.
  2. Enhance Overall Well-being: When we prioritize our personal lives alongside our careers, we experience greater satisfaction, happiness, and fulfillment. Achieving a sense of balance allows us to lead more enriching and meaningful lives.
  3. Set a Positive Example: As role models for our children, finding work-life balance teaches them the importance of prioritizing their own well-being, pursuing their dreams, and building healthy relationships.


Let's dive in to some ways to improve your own work-life balance:

  1. Define Priorities: Start by identifying your core values and priorities. What truly matters to you in both your personal and professional life? By clarifying your priorities, you will be better positioned to make intentional choices that align with your values, ensuring you allocate time and energy accordingly.
  2. Establish Boundaries: Set clear boundaries between work and personal life. Create designated "no-work" zones and carve out quality time for yourself and your loved ones. Communicate your boundaries to your colleagues and family members, ensuring they understand and respect your need for balance. This can sometimes feel impossible when working from home, but we all know that practice makes progress.
  3. Practice Self-Care: Remember, you can't pour from an empty cup and you honestly shouldn't pour from a full cup. No pouring should take place until there's overflow! Prioritize self-care activities that recharge and rejuvenate you. Whether it's taking a Pilates class, reading (or listening to) a book, or simply enjoying a quiet moment alone, self-care is essential for maintaining overall well-being and work-life balance.


While I have you...

Don't forget to join our upcoming workshop on resume writing and interview best practices!

To further support your career advancement and work-life balance, we invite you to join our free workshop: VSFM Career Jumpstart Workshop. During the workshop, you'll gain insider tips on crafting a winning resume that showcases your skills and experience. You'll also receive expert advice on how to nail your next job interview and stand out from the competition. By participating, you're investing in your future and your family's future, unlocking new opportunities for growth and success.

Don't miss out on this opportunity! Register today and take the first step towards achieving the work-life balance and career advancement you deserve.


So, in a nutshell...

Balancing professional and personal growth is not only essential for our well-being but also for our long-term success. By striving for our own version of work-life balance, we can excel in our careers, nurture our personal lives without so much guilt, and set a positive example for our children who are watching everything we do AND DON'T DO. Incorporate the strategies discussed in this blog post and join our free workshop to gain valuable insights and guidance on resume writing and interview best practices. Remember, you have the power to create a fulfilling and harmonious life where both your personal and professional goals thrive.

Chat soon!



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