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Here you will find actionable tips and insights to help you gain careerĀ clarity and increase your earning potential.

The Top 5 Skills Employers Value in Working Mothers

May 27, 2024

As a working mom, you juggle countless responsibilities every single day. You have a career to advance, a family to take care of, and personal goals to achieve. While it may seem overwhelming at times, rest assured that employers recognize the unique set of skills that working moms bring to the table. 

Here are the top 5 skills employers value in working mothers:

  1. Time Management: As a working mom, you are a pro at managing your time. You have to balance work deadlines, kids' schedules, and household chores, all while carving out time to address your own needs. This skill is highly valued by employers who appreciate employees who can prioritize and meet deadlines. 
  2. Adaptability: Flexibility is a hallmark of a successful working mom. You are used to adapting to unexpected changes, whether it's a sick child or a last-minute work assignment...and sometimes both at the same time while you battle your own 24-hour bug. This skill is highly sought after by employers who appreciate employees who can pivot and adjust to changing circumstances, which is common in so many organizations. 
  3. Multitasking: As a working mom, you are no stranger to multitasking...even as we transition to monotasking as the preferred method of address our to-do lists. You can handle multiple projects and tasks simultaneously, whether it's sending emails while cooking dinner or reviewing reports while attending a school event. This skill is highly valued by employers who appreciate employees who can handle multiple responsibilities at once. Word of wisdom: please don't overwhelm yourself. Know when to say when.
  4. Leadership: Being a working mom requires strong leadership skills. You have to be able to delegate tasks, motivate others, and make tough decisions with or without support. This skill is highly sought after by employers who appreciate employees who can lead and inspire others. At a time when employee engagement is low, a strong leader is extremely valuable. 
  5. Resilience: Working moms are no strangers to challenges and setbacks. You have to be resilient to bounce back from difficult situations, whether it's a work project that didn't go as planned or a family crisis that is about to send you over the edge. This skill is highly valued by employers who appreciate employees who can handle stress and overcome obstacles.

Employers recognize the unique set of skills that working moms bring to the workplace and I don't want any of us to ever forget or minimize that. By highlighting your time management, adaptability, multitasking, leadership, and resilience skills, you can position yourself as a highly valued employee who can handle any challenge that comes your way. Think about that the next time you want to take a career break to raise your children and you wonder how to communicate that on a resume.

At Virtual Six-Figure Mom, we understand the unique challenges working moms face and we are here to help you navigate the path to success. Contact us today for career coaching and support tailored to the needs of working mothers.

Let us leave you with a quote from Michelle Obama that sums it all up: "If you want me to do the job, you've got to pay me to do the job and you've got to give me flexibility, and flexibility means that I will work my tail off for you, but you better pay me and value my family."

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