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Here you will find actionable tips and insights to help you gain careerĀ clarity and increase your earning potential.

The Expert Resume Tips You Need To Implement Now

resume tips May 23, 2024

If you're reading this, you've probably felt the frustrations of job hunting – sending applications into the void and hearing crickets in return or receiving countless declination emails. 

It's no secret that the job search can be a rollercoaster of emotions. From excitement about new opportunities to the frustration of not hearing back, it's a ride that tests our resilience. 

I get it, which is exactly why I'm writing this blog post. It is also exactly why I built my coaching business and created digital downloads and courses. I want to share my insight as a recruiter with you to ease some of the stress.

I've reviewed countless resumes in my many years of corporate recruiting experience and I know what stands out and, more importantly, what leads to a swift decline.

Let's chat for a moment...


The 6-Second Glance: What I Look for in Resumes

Imagine this: I've got a fresh stack of 50+ resumes in my ATS (applicant tracking system) queue and the clock is ticking – I've got about 6 seconds to decide if your resume goes to my 'consider' or 'reject' pile. 

The first thing I look for is relevance. Does your resume speak to the job requirements that we've outlined in the job description? Can I quickly spot a connection between your skills and the position's demands? If not, that's a concern. The key is to tailor your resume for each application. A one-size-fits-all approach won't cut it.


Readability Matters – More Than You Think

Now, let's talk about readability. It's not just about what's on your resume but how it's presented. White space is your friend – it gives my eyes a breather and makes the information easier to digest. A cluttered resume is a surefire way to land in the 'reject' pile. Grammar and typos? They matter. Attention to detail is a non-negotiable skill in most roles and a flawless resume reflects that. And yes, concise is key – get to the point without sacrificing substance.


Chronological Clarity

Another crucial aspect is the chronological order of your work experience. Recruiters like me appreciate resumes that follow a logical timeline. It helps us trace your professional journey effortlessly. Starting with your most recent role and working backward is definitely the way to go. It's a subtle yet effective way of guiding us through your career story.


The Six-Figure Resume Revamp Course is Exactly What You Need

Now that we've pinpointed the pain point, let's talk solutions. The Six-Figure Resume Revamp Course isn't just another program; it's the hollandaise sauce your asparagus needs. Imagine creating a resume that not only survives the 6-second glance but demands attention. Picture an application that lands in the 'consider' pile every single time.


What to Expect from the Course:

  1. Crafting a Standout Resume: Learn the art of making your resume a masterpiece that aligns with job requirements and grabs attention.
  2. Boosting Confidence: Gain expert insights to shine in every section, building confidence for that dream job interview.
  3. Positioning for Success: Strategically align your education, experience, and skills to open doors to those six-figure opportunities.


What are you waiting for?

Frustrated with your job search? 

Ready to break free from the cycle of frustration? 

The Six-Figure Resume Revamp Course is exactly what you need. It's not just any ordinary digital course; it's the secret sauce straight from a senior-level corporate recruiter. 




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