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Virtual Six-Figure Mom Blog

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Here you will find actionable tips and insights to help you gain career clarity and increase your earning potential.

How to Shift Your Mindset to Achieve a Six-Figure Career

career goals and advice mindset Oct 04, 2024

Let’s get real for a moment: achieving a six-figure career isn’t just about gaining new skills or applying for higher-paying jobs. It’s also about shifting your mindset. The way you think about yourself, your abilities, and your career can either propel you forward or keep you stuck in place. If you’re struggling to advance to that six-figure income bracket, it’s worth asking yourself - what’s holding you back mentally?

Let’s chat for a moment about common mindset challenges that professional women face when trying to advance their careers and, more importantly, how you can shift those limiting beliefs and adopt a growth mindset.


Common Mindset Challenges Holding You Back

Before we talk about solutions, let’s address some of the mindset challenges that might be keeping you from advancing. As women, we often carry certain beliefs - whether they’re conscious or not - that can prevent us from taking those bold career moves. 

Here are a few common ones:

  1. Imposter Syndrome: This one is old faithful. I’m sure you’ve heard the term countless times and that’s because it’s so common. Have you ever felt like a fraud, even when you have the qualifications, experience, and skills. Been there…done that!

  2. Fear of Failure: What if you go for it and fall flat on your face? This fear of failure can keep you stuck in roles you’ve long outgrown because the idea of failing seems worse than staying safe.

  3. Limiting Beliefs About Money: Many women struggle with the belief that wanting more money is “greedy” or that they’re not “the type” of person who can earn six figures. Sound familiar? P.S. I highly recommend you read We Should All Be Millionaires by Rachel Rodgers. 

These mindset blocks can be subtle but powerful. Ready for the good news? You have the power to shift each of them. 

Let’s dig in a little deeper.


Why a Growth Mindset is So Important

Carol Dweck, a psychologist known for her work in this space, explains that those with a growth mindset believe they can develop their abilities through hard work, dedication, and learning. Compare that to a fixed mindset, where you believe your abilities are set in stone. Which mindset do you think is more likely to lead you to a six-figure career? 


The critical shift here is realizing you can learn new skills, take on bigger responsibilities if needed, and negotiate a higher salary. It’s about believing that growth is possible for you and it’s not just for a select few. This shift from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset can change everything and I say that from firsthand experience.


How to Shift Your Limiting Beliefs

So, how do you actually start shifting those limiting beliefs? 

I’m glad you asked… 😀

  1. Challenge Negative Thoughts: When that voice in your head says, “I’m not qualified enough,” or “I could never make six figures because I don’t have degrees,” don’t just accept it as truth. Ask yourself, “Is this really true, or is it just a fear talking?” More often than not, it’s the latter. Please know I extend six-figure offers to candidates regularly who only have a high school diploma.

  2. Reframe The F Word: Failure isn’t the end of the road. It’s actually part of the journey. Reframe failure as a learning opportunity. Every “no” or misstep brings you one step closer to the “yes” that can completely change everything.

  3. Visualize Success: This may sound a bit out there, but stay with me. When you visualize yourself in that six-figure role, what does it look like? How do you feel? What are you wearing? Visualization can help train your mind to accept that success is possible—and that it’s something you deserve.

As you challenge those limiting beliefs and replace them with new, empowering thoughts, you’ll notice a shift in how you approach your career. Suddenly, the idea of asking for a raise or applying for a more senior position feels a lot more doable.


Build Confidence by Taking Action

Confidence doesn’t just show up out of nowhere. You actually have to take action and that’s the hard part sometimes. The more you step outside your comfort zone, the more your confidence will grow.

Here’s the thing….

Confidence and competence go hand in hand. If you’re waiting to feel 100% ready before you make a move, you’ll be waiting FOREVER. Instead, start by taking small steps each day toward your goal. Maybe that’s updating your resume, setting up informational interviews, or reaching out to a recruiter. With each action you take, you’ll build momentum and, in turn, build your confidence.

And yes, there will be moments of doubt. That’s just part of being human. You may still hear that imposter syndrome voice creeping in, but you’ll be more equipped to shut it down because you’re taking action despite the fear.


The Value of an Accountability Partner

There are layers to this thing, so let’s talk about accountability. Shifting your mindset is no small task, and it can be easy to fall back into old patterns if you’re doing it solo. This is where having an accountability partner or career coach can make a huge difference.

A coach (like me - hint, hint) helps you stay on track, challenge your limiting beliefs, and provide guidance as you make progress on your journey. Think of it as having someone in your corner cheering you on (with pom poms and everything), reminding you that you are more than capable of reaching that six-figure mark.

When we work together, we can create a personalized action plan that aligns with your career goals and helps you move forward with clarity and confidence. Whether you're aiming for a higher-paying position or transitioning into a flexible remote role (I’m #teamremotework all day), having that extra layer of accountability can fast-track your progress.


Creating a Strategic Plan for Success

While shifting your mindset is crucial, you’ll also need a concrete plan to back it up. Here’s where the practical side of career advice for women comes into play.

Start by setting clear goals. Do you want a higher salary? More flexibility? A leadership role? Once you know where you’re headed, you can outline the steps needed to get there.

  • Skill Development: Are there skills you need to develop to make that next career move? Maybe it’s mastering a new software, improving your leadership abilities, or getting certified in a specific area.

  • Networking: Building connections is key when moving up in your career. Reach out to people in your desired field, attend events (even virtual ones), and leverage platforms like LinkedIn to make meaningful connections.

  • Negotiation: Don’t be afraid to negotiate for what you’re worth. And even if you are afraid, do it anyway! Confidence in asking for higher pay comes from knowing your value - and yes, you are worth it.


So now what?

If you’re ready to start making those mindset shifts and take your career to the next level, I put together a little something for you. I’ve created a Six-Figure Mindset Shift Checklist, designed to help you identify limiting beliefs, shift your mindset, and set yourself up for success.

Click here to download the checklist and get started today. 

And if you’re ready for more personalized support, book a free 20-minute career consultation with me. We’ll create a customized plan that aligns with your career goals and sets you on the path to success.

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