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Here you will find actionable tips and insights to help you gain career clarity and increase your earning potential.

How To Overcome Your Fear Of A Career Change

career change career goals and advice Sep 27, 2024

Making a career change is scary. I get it! Not only is it scary, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed in the process. That nagging voice in your head says, “What if this doesn’t work out?” or “Can I really do this?” keeps playing on repeat. The fear of change can be paralyzing, but it’s completely normal to feel this way, and you can actually overcome it.

Let’s chat for a moment about tackling that fear head-on and moving forward with clarity, confidence, and a strategic plan. 


What’s Causing the Fear?

Have you taken the time to figure out why you’re afraid of this career change? Fear, in many cases, is rooted in the unknown. That “what if” feeling keeps us stuck in situations we’ve already outgrown. In The Mountain is You, one of my absolute favorite books I consistently recommend for my clients, Brianna Wiest reminds us that fear is often the sign of a deeper need for self-discovery and growth. She says, “The mountain in front of you is the shadow of the mountain inside of you.” What if your biggest obstacle is the limiting beliefs you carry and not actually something external?

Is it the fear of failure? 

Of judgment? 

Of stepping out of your comfort zone? 

Once you identify the root of your fear, you’ll have a better chance of tackling it.


The Importance of Mindset

Now that we’ve identified the source of your fear, let’s talk about your mindset. Without the right mindset, even the best strategic plan will bear absolutely no fruit. You need to believe that change is not only possible but that it’s the key to success in your career. And believe me, it IS possible and you deserve it!

In The Mountain is You, Wiest also talks about the importance of self-reflection, suggesting we “become the mountain climber who transforms their fear into the fuel to ascend.” You’re more than capable of achieving whatever goal you set for yourself, but it all starts with shifting your mindset to truly believe that.

Before we proceed, I need you to commit to checking your mindset as a priority.


Create a Strategic Plan

It has been my experience that a career change without a plan is like heading out on a road trip without a GPS and your phone fully charged. Sure, you might get somewhere eventually, but who knows if it’ll be where you want to go? Having a strategic plan is so important to ensure you achieve the goal you desire for your career.

Start by doing a little self-reflection. What do you want from this career change? Is it more flexibility, a higher salary, and/or work that aligns with your passions? I’m not saying you need to choose one, but I want to ensure you’re clear on what you want. Whatever it is, be specific. The clearer you are about your destination, the easier it will be to create a solid plan.

Now, it’s time to break down the steps. Maybe that means networking with people in your desired field, updating your resume (click here for help with that), or taking a course to develop a new skill set. The goal here is to create a roadmap that will help you navigate the process.

You don’t have to do this alone. As a matter of fact, doing it alone isn’t wise at all. One of the best investments you can make in yourself is partnering with someone who can hold you accountable and provide expert advice. I’m talking about a career coach (hint, hint - click here to put time on my calendar). Working with a coach means you get a customized plan and the support you need to stay on track, especially when things get tough.


YOU Are Your Biggest Cheerleader

If you’re thinking, “But I don’t have anyone in my corner,” let me stop you right there. You do. YOU are your biggest cheerleader. In The Mountain is You, Wiest talks about the power of self-accountability, encouraging readers to stop looking outside themselves for validation and instead find that power within. That’s exactly what you need to do here.

Yes, having external support like an accountability partner or coach is invaluable. But at the end of the day, you are responsible for your own success. Believe in your abilities, trust your instincts, and remind yourself daily that you’ve got this.

And when you forget, I’ll be there to give you a little nudge.


Step Outside Your Comfort Zone

I won’t sugarcoat it—stepping outside your comfort zone is uncomfortable and requires a lot of self-talk. It’s my belief, though, that very little worth having comes easy. Think about the times in your life when you’ve grown the most. Was it when everything was going smoothly or was it when you were pushed to your limits?

Taking the leap to change your career might feel like standing on the edge of a cliff. Maybe an extreme visualization, but hear me out. You’re not just jumping blindly—you’ve got a parachute. Still with me as I paint the picture? That beautiful yellow, green, and blue parachute is your strategic plan, your mindset, and yes, your own ability to navigate challenges.


The Value of an Accountability Partner

I touched on this earlier, but let’s dig a little deeper into the importance of accountability. When you’re on the road to change, it’s easy to get distracted or get discouraged when things don’t go as planned. Having an accountability partner can make all the difference in the world when this happens. Whether it’s a trusted friend, mentor, or career coach, having someone to check in with, celebrate wins with, and troubleshoot setbacks can be life-changing.

This is where coaching can make a big difference. I’ve worked with countless women who felt stuck in their careers, and it’s amazing what a little accountability and strategic advice can do. I help my clients gain clarity on their goals, develop confidence, and move forward to increase their income with purpose. In addition to that, we work on getting you faster results by focusing on the right actions instead of wasting time on guesswork.


I’ll leave you with this…

You are more than capable of achieving whatever goal you set for yourself. Yes, fear might kick in from time to time, but that’s all it is—fear. It’s not fact. You’ve already achieved so much in your career and a career change is just the next amazing chapter of your story.

It’s time to stop doubting yourself and start trusting that you have what it takes to make this change.

Now if you’re ready to make a change, I’d love for you to join my email community. In my weekly emails, I share expert job search tips, including interview strategies, resume writing tips, and so much more. 

And if you’re ready for a more personalized approach, click here to book a free 20-minute career consultation with me. If you decide to move forward with working together, we’ll create a plan to get you where you want to be—whether that’s a higher-paying position, a remote role, or something entirely new.

You’ve got this and I’m here to help every step of the way.


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