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Here you will find actionable tips and insights to help you gain career clarity and increase your earning potential.

How to Find Legitimate Remote Jobs

job search tips remote jobs Aug 24, 2024

Some believe the opportunity to work remotely started during the shutdown in 2020. Many find themselves frustrated now because some major organizations are rolling out return-to-office plans and they’re just not interested. They’re also running into remote job scams, which can be frustrating for sure.

I have over a decade of experience working remotely and started sharing job opportunities with my email community back in 2015. Since then, I’ve landed remote jobs with multiple companies and understand just how challenging it can be to break into this space.

I sought my first remote job when I was sick and tired of paying astronomical childcare prices as a single mom of two. My dad’s health was also declining and I wanted to relocate to be closer to my parents. What’s your reason?

As a long-term remote employee, I've navigated the ups and downs of this space and built a platform to help ambitious women like you find legitimate remote jobs. I share new job openings every week because I know how tough it can be to find real opportunities—and I want to make it easier for you.

If you’re serious about landing a remote job that aligns with your career goals, you're in the right place. This post will give you key insights into identifying and applying for legitimate remote roles.

Before I dive into my tips, I need you to ask yourself this one question:


Is Remote Work Really for You?

Remote jobs aren’t for everyone and that’s okay. The flexibility sounds great, but you need to be realistic about what remote work involves—like managing distractions (those two loads of laundry calling your name), staying disciplined (adhering to a schedule), and maintaining clear boundaries (your friends and family will have to get used to this one).

If you’re confident that remote work is what you really want, it’s time to be strategic with your search. 


Here’s how to find the right opportunities.

1. Start with Your Career Goals

One of the biggest mistakes people make when searching for remote jobs is focusing solely on flexibility while overlooking whether the role aligns with their long-term career goals. Sure, working from home is convenient, but you don’t want to end up in a job that feels like a dead end.

Ask yourself:

  • What kind of work excites me?
  • What industries or fields do I want to grow in?
  • Which skills do I want to develop or leverage more in my next role?

This level of strategic planning will ensure you identify remote jobs that are aligned with your aspirations.


2. Research Companies Known for Hiring Remote Employees

Not every company offers remote work and even among those that do, not all remote jobs are created equal. Some companies are well-known for offering fully remote positions with great benefits, career growth opportunities, and a solid company culture. You want the benefits!

To get started, focus on companies that have built a reputation for being remote-friendly. I recommend checking out organizations like GitLab, Automattic, and Buffer, which are 100% remote. I’ve pulled together a full free list. Click here to download your copy now. ;)



3. Beware of Remote Job Scams

Unfortunately, with the rise of remote jobs, there’s also been a rise in scams. You’ve probably seen them by now - they promise you can make thousands from home with little-to-no experience, or they ask for money upfront for “training.” Red flags like these should have you running in the other direction.

Always research the company before applying, especially if it’s unfamiliar to you! I can’t stress this enough. I also want you to go with your gut. A bunch of misspellings or odd requirements, move on. Stick with trusted job boards and be wary of anything that sounds too good to be true.


4. Tailor Your Resume for Remote Positions

Your resume is your first impression and when it comes to remote jobs, you need to highlight skills and experiences that highlight your ability to work independently, manage your time effectively, and communicate well.

Include any experience with remote work, even if it was volunteer, occasional, or during the pandemic. Highlight your familiarity with remote collaboration tools like Slack, Zoom, or Trello. 


5. Network Within Remote Work Communities

One of the best ways to find remote jobs is through networking and there are entire communities dedicated to remote work. Joining groups on LinkedIn or Facebook, participating in online forums, and connecting with professionals already working remotely can open up opportunities you might not find elsewhere.

Please don’t be afraid to reach out to people directly for advice or referrals. Building relationships with others in the remote workspace can lead to opportunities down the line.


6. Customize Your Job Search Strategy

A one-size-fits-all approach rarely works in the remote job hunt. You need to be strategic and focused. Start by setting up job alerts on remote job boards, following remote-friendly companies on LinkedIn, and fine-tuning your search with relevant keywords like “remote jobs” or “work from home.”

It’s also important to apply for jobs that match your skill set and experience level. Avoid spreading yourself too thin by applying to every remote job you see. Instead, focus on quality over quantity and target positions that align with your career goals.


7. Be Persistent and Patient

Finding a remote job that aligns with your goals takes time. The competition for remote roles is heavy and you may need to apply to 100 or more positions before landing the right one. The key is to stay persistent and patient.

You’re not just looking for any remote job—you’re aiming for one that allows you to grow professionally and fits your lifestyle. Trust the process, stay consistent, and keep refining your approach as you learn more about what works and what doesn’t.


Here’s Your Next Step

Now that you have a solid strategy for finding legitimate remote jobs that align with your career goals, it’s time to take action. I’ve put together a free list of 100 employers hiring remote employees this year to help you get started.


When you download the list, you’ll also be added to my email community, where I share 10 new high-paying (most 6-figures) remote jobs every week. And please don’t forget—if you found this post helpful, share it with a friend who might need it too. 


And this is the best part…

Start thinking of what you’re going to wear for your first day of working from home. 🙂

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