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How to Articulate Work-Life Balance Needs During a Job Interview

job interview tips May 23, 2024

In today's hustle and bustle of the corporate world, striking that perfect work-life balance (work-life integration, life-work balance, or whatever you choose to call it) isn't just a luxury—it's a must-have, especially for ambitious women juggling career ambitions with family duties. Many of us are taking care of children and/or aging parents. I understand the challenges firsthand!

Let's chat for a moment about a strategy on how to convey your work-life balance needs without throwing your job prospects off balance. This is one of those job interview tips you want to pay close attention to.


Imagine this scenario... 

You're cruising through the final stages of your interview, feeling confident, and then comes the big question: 

"Any questions for us?" 

Here's your opportunity to gracefully broach the topic of work-life balance, a vital factor for any professional, but particularly for us women. So, let's dive into how to navigate this conversation with finesse.


Timing is Everything 

The million-dollar question: 

When's the perfect moment to bring up your work-life balance needs? 

The answer: strategically. 

Rather than blurting it out right out of the gate, wait for the opportune moment. Ideally, this is after you've dazzled them with your skills and just before discussing compensation. This ensures they're fully invested in you as a candidate and more receptive to accommodating your needs. Of course, this timing will look different from organization to organization, so listen to your gut.


Be Specific, Be Prepared 

If you need to jet out early a couple of days a week to support your child's activities or WFH now and then, be crystal clear about it. General statements like, "I need a flexible schedule," might raise eyebrows. Instead, go with something like, "I've discovered that working from home on Fridays actually boosts my productivity, and I'm more than willing to make up any lost time later in the evenings if necessary." Be ready to explain how this won't affect your work quality and share any past successes achieved under similar circumstances.


The Script: Steering the Conversation in Your Favor  

Interviewer: Do you have any questions or concerns about the role? 

You: I actually appreciate that question. I've thoroughly enjoyed learning about the position and I'm excited about the opportunity to contribute to your team. Work-life balance is a top priority for me, and from my experience, having the flexibility to [insert your specific need] has actually amped up my performance. For example, in my previous role, [share a scenario where this arrangement was a win-win]. I believe this flexibility ensures a harmonious work-life balance, making me even more devoted to delivering stellar results. How does your company typically support employees in achieving this balance?

Then you wait. Some experts suggest waiting until after you receive an offer to discuss this, but my perspective is a bit different. What if, after accepting the offer, you learn that this organization believes everyone should work in the office 50+ hours each week? You've just wasted your time and theirs because that's not an organization whose culture is aligned with your values.


Showcase Your Wins 

The ultimate way to sway your potential employer is by showcasing your wins. If you've aced managing a flexible schedule in the past, flaunt those positive outcomes. Whether it's meeting tight deadlines, exceeding targets, or fostering a healthier work culture, concrete results will make a compelling case for your request.


Taking the Next Leap 

As you gear up to assert your work-life balance needs in your next interview, keep in mind that finding that sweet spot is a two-way street. If a company genuinely values its employees, they'll be open to discussions around flexibility. 


Ready to explore opportunities that harmonize with your career aspirations and personal needs?

Click here to schedule a free 20-min Career Consultation call with us. Together, let's find that ideal partnership that propels you towards the work-life balance you deserve.


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