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Virtual Six-Figure Mom Blog

Here you will find actionable tips and insights to help you gain career
clarity and increase your earning potential.

Here you will find actionable tips and insights to help you gain careerĀ clarity and increase your earning potential.

Expert HR Insights for Your Six-Figure Resume

resume tips May 23, 2024

Let’s chat for a moment about the often-overlooked key player in your career journey – your resume. Yep, that piece of paper (or Word/PDF doc) that holds the power to open doors to your ideal six-figure job. Now, I know you've seen your fair share of advice on resume writing, but trust me, this one's different.

Why? Because it's holistic.

We're taking a practical and tailored approach to writing a resume that truly represents YOU. 

And who's guiding you through this journey? 

Well, none other than yours truly, a senior corporate recruiter and dual-certified HR professional with a knack for making resumes shine.

Click HERE to register for the course today!
Click HERE to register for the course today!

The Unique Twist

Picture this – a resume makeover that not only polishes up your professional story but also aligns with your personal journey. We're not just focusing on the standard resume sections; we're diving deep into the essence of who you are and where you want to go.

Here's what sets this course apart:

  • Tailored to Your Journey: No cookie-cutter solutions here. We're weaving your unique experiences, aspirations, and goals into the fabric of your resume.
  • Holistic Expertise: It's definitely not just about bullet points and job titles; it's about capturing the full spectrum of your capabilities. We'll dig into your mindset, experiences, and personal growth to create a resume that stands out.
  • Recruiter Insights: Ever wish you could pick the brain of a corporate recruiter? Well, consider this your opportunity! I'm bringing over a decade of recruiting expertise straight to your screen, sharing the secrets that we as recruiters secretly wish all applicants knew.
Click HERE to register for the course today!
Click HERE to register for the course today!

The Journey Begins

So, why should you join in on this journey?

  • Career Growth: If you're hungry for that next step in your career, this course is your secret sauce - kind of like the yum yum sauce my daughter puts on everything.
  • Increased Earning Potential: Let's talk numbers. Crafting a resume that speaks 'hire me' puts you in a prime position to negotiate that six-figure salary.
  • Expert Guidance: No more wandering on these career streets without a map (or some kind of GPS). With my guidance, you'll navigate the job market with confidence and purpose.


Now What?

Ready to rewrite your career story? 

It starts with a click. Hit that "Register Now" link, secure your spot in the Six-Figure Resume Revamp Course, and let’s get started.

Your future self will thank you for it!




Click HERE to gain instant access!
Click HERE to gain instant access!


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