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Here you will find actionable tips and insights to help you gain career clarity and increase your earning potential.

A Practical Guide for Creating a Career Roadmap

career goals and advice Sep 20, 2024

I know I’m not the only one who has gotten into their car, entered my destination into Google Maps or Waze, and hit “Go Now” with confidence. Why? Because you trust that it will guide you step-by-step from point A to point B, recalibrate if you make a wrong turn, and eventually, get you to your destination.

Let’s chat for a moment about the value of a career roadmap for your professional life that’s designed to guide you where you want to go.


What Exactly Is a Career Roadmap?

Let’s start with the basics first because not everyone has heard of a career roadmap. Think of it as a personalized plan that outlines your professional goals, the steps you need to take to achieve them, and how you’ll measure your progress along the way. It’s sort of like Google Maps for your career. If you’re eyeing a promotion, pivoting into a new industry, or hoping to land a remote role, a career roadmap can give you clarity on what you need to do next.

I can hear you already - “Kristina, do I really need a career roadmap?” 

If you’ve been feeling stuck, uncertain, or even frustrated with where you are in your career, my answer is yes. Without a clear plan, you might find yourself going in circles, which often happens when we don’t use our GPS. A career roadmap helps you stop relying on chance and empowers you to start moving with purpose.


The Importance of the Right Mindset

Before we dive into the steps for creating your personal career roadmap, let’s talk about your mindset. If you’ve been feeling a little discouraged, I get it. Many of the women I work with are successful by all external standards, but deep down, they know something’s missing. Sound familiar?

The right mindset is so important. First, you have to believe that change is possible and that you deserve to achieve your goals and so much more. I know it’s easier said than done, but trust me when I say that once you get in the right headspace, your career roadmap will not only feel doable but also exciting. This is where having an accountability partner, like a career coach (hint, hint-click here to get on my calendar), can help you stay focused and on track.

So let’s get into these steps and don’t forget to share this blog post with a friend who needs it.


Step 1: Get Clear on Your Destination

Similar to when you’re driving, you need to know exactly where you’re going. Do you want to pivot into a new industry? Land a six-figure remote job? Secure a leadership position? Get specific about what you really want, not what you think you’re supposed to want based on your education and experience.

I tell my clients this often - clarity is everything. The clearer you are about your goals, the more straightforward your roadmap will be. You don’t just want “a better job” - you want a role that aligns with your strengths, passions, and lifestyle. And yes, that might mean getting out of your comfort zone a little bit, but it’s so worth it.


Step 2: Break Down the Steps

Once you’re clear on where you want to go, it’s time to break down the steps. Think of this as setting checkpoints on your career roadmap. You wouldn’t just set a final destination without checking the route in Waze, right? The same goes for your career.

Determine what skills you need to develop, if there’s an opportunity to expand your network, and if you might benefit from obtaining certifications or completing courses to strengthen your resume. This is where working with someone like a career coach comes in handy. You’ll get a customized action plan that’s tailored to your specific goals. 


Step 3: Visualize the Outcome

I’m not one to suggest you spend hours daydreaming, but there’s real value in visualization. When you take a moment to picture yourself in that new role living the life you desire, what do you see? How does it feel to have that flexibility you’ve only been dreaming of? Can you imagine your workday balancing almost perfectly with your personal life?

Visualization helps you create a mental picture of the outcome, which not only boosts your motivation but also gives you a clearer sense of what success looks like. Studies show that visualization can actually improve performance so go ahead, visualize that future you. I promise it will bring a smile to your face and a sense of relief knowing that you have the power to create it.


Step 4: Identify an Accountability Partner

You can have the best roadmap in the world, but without an accountability partner to help keep you on track, it’s easy to lose momentum when faced with challenges. This is where an accountability partner or a coach comes in.

I work with my clients on building confidence, setting realistic goals, and staying focused. Trust me, having someone in your corner to check in with can make all the difference in the world.

Now let’s dive into the last few steps to your career roadmap.


Step 5: Build Your Confidence

As you work through your career roadmap, you’ll notice that your confidence will start to grow. When you know what you bring to the table, it completely changes the trajectory of your job search.

Confidence also helps you avoid settling, which is NOT an option. You’re not just going to take the first opportunity that comes your way; you’re going to weigh your options, negotiate for better pay, and make sure the role aligns with your long-term goals. Having a roadmap gives you the foundation to speak confidently about your strengths, experience, and goals during job interviews and certainly during the offer negotiation process.


Step 6: Prepare to Make Adjustments as Needed

We all know life happens. Just like Waze recalculates when you take a wrong turn, your career roadmap needs to be flexible. As you move through your plan, give yourself permission to adjust when needed. Maybe you need to pick up an unexpected skill or rethink your timeline. The important thing is that you keep moving forward.


Step 7: Stay Focused on the Big Picture

At the end of the day, your career roadmap isn’t just about landing the next job; it’s about creating a career that aligns with the life you want to live. If you’re looking for more flexibility or a higher-paying role that gives you the freedom to work remotely, your roadmap will help you get there.

Don’t lose sight of the big picture. There will be detours and challenges along the way just like driving into DC or Atlanta, but staying focused on your long-term goals will help you navigate those bumps in the road.


I’ll leave you with this….

A career roadmap gives you clarity. You’re no longer wandering around hoping things will change because you now have a strategic plan that you’re working through. It also boosts your confidence, which is critical when you’re applying for jobs or negotiating your salary. Last but not least, it helps you stay focused on the big picture, so you don’t get distracted by short-term obstacles.

Now if you’re ready to start creating your own career roadmap, I invite you to join my email community or put some time on my calendar by clicking here. In the community, you can expect to receive expert job search tips, including interview strategies, resume writing advice, and so much more. Let’s get you on track today!


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