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Building a Strong Case for Your Value: A Guide for Working Moms

May 27, 2024

It's time to chat about the artistic strategy of asking for a promotion or a raise. I know...I know...I know! Breathe. 

We all know it can be a challenging and uncomfortable conversation, but with the right approach, it can also be an incredibly empowering one. As a certified HR professional and single mom of two, I understand all too well the struggles of balancing work and family life. That's why I'm super excited to share my expertise with you today on how to build a strong case for your value, negotiate with confidence, and overcome self-doubt in the workplace. It’s a model I use with my current coaching clients that I’m sure the entire VSFM community could benefit from. 


First things first, let's talk about mindset. As working moms, we're already superheroes, juggling multiple roles and responsibilities every day. But when it comes to asking for a promotion or raise, we often sell ourselves short. We may think, "I'm lucky to have a job" or "I don't want to rock the boat." But the truth is, we deserve to be paid fairly and recognized for our hard work.


Now, let's talk about the actual conversation of asking for a promotion or raise. *deep breath* The key is to approach it as a business negotiation and build a strong case for your value. 


Here are a few HR-tested and approved tips to consider:

Do your research: Research salary and compensation data for your role and industry to ensure you're asking for a fair and realistic amount. You usually can't go wrong with Glassdoor when searching for this information.

Highlight your achievements: Make a list of your accomplishments, including any quantifiable results or achievements that demonstrate your value to the company. This should be a living document you keep updated.

Be specific: Come prepared with specific examples of your contributions and how they have impacted the company's bottom line or goals. Again, keep these details in a document that stays updated as wins occur.

Practice your pitch: Rehearse your talking points beforehand and consider role-playing the conversation with a friend or family member. I'm here! :)

Be open to negotiation: Be prepared to negotiate and consider alternative forms of compensation, such as additional vacation time or flexible working hours. I've even negotiated a better title. Don't limit yourself, but stay reasonable. 


Don’t think for one second that asking for a promotion or raise is just about the money. I’d like you to consider it more like recognizing your worth and advocating for yourself. By building a strong case for your value and negotiating with confidence, you're not only benefiting yourself but also paving the way for other working mothers to do the same.

I encourage each of you to take the leap and ask for that promotion or raise. Don't let imposter syndrome hold you back. You are more than capable, deserving, and valuable, and it's time to let your light shine!


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