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Here you will find actionable tips and insights to help you gain career clarity and increase your earning potential.

5 Resume Mistakes You’re Probably Making (And How to Fix Them)

resume tips Oct 18, 2024

When it comes to landing a high-paying job, your resume is one of the most important tools in your toolkit. Full stop! 

But let’s be real for a moment since it’s just the two of us talking…

How often have you sent out your resume and heard… crickets? If you’re applying for hundreds of jobs and not getting interviews or responses, there’s a good chance your resume isn’t doing its job. It’s time for some real EXPERT resume tips to help you stand out for those high-paying roles in this current job market.

Let’s chat for a moment about five common resume mistakes you might be making and - more importantly - how to fix them. If your goal is to earn a six-figure salary and greater flexibility in your career, your resume needs to reflect that from the start.

Ready to dive into advice from a Sr. Corporate Recruiter and dual-certified HR professional?

Let’s get into it!


1. Mistake: Getting Fancy with Colors and Fonts

Fix: Keep It Simple and Professional, Please

I know, I know, I know. I can hear you already. Who doesn’t want their resume to “stand out” in a stack of hundreds? 

Here’s the expert insight you may not know…

Those fancy fonts and bright colors are actually doing you more harm than good. US-based employers are looking for a clean, professional, easy-to-read resume. No hiring manager wants to squint at fluorescent pink headers or try to decode a swirly font. Furthermore, most applicant tracking systems (ATS) don’t like that either.

The Fix:
Stick with black font on white paper, and make sure you use a readable font like Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman. If you’re feeling fancy, go for Nunito or Georgia. Lol!

Your resume should have plenty of white space to ensure it’s easy to skim. Most hiring managers (like me, with over 13 years of recruiting experience) will appreciate a simple, professional layout that helps them focus on what really matters: your skills and experience.


2. Mistake: Failing to Quantify Your Achievements

Fix: Show Employers Your Impact with Numbers

“I managed a team” sounds fine, but it doesn’t pack the same punch as “Led a team of 10, improving productivity by 30% in six months by…..” One of the biggest resume tips I can give is this: quantify your achievements. Hiring managers love seeing numbers because they show the real impact you’ve had in previous roles.

The Fix:
Go through your resume and look for opportunities to insert metrics. Did you increase sales? By how much? Did you save time or money? How did that benefit the company? Use numbers wherever possible to show off your results, not just your responsibilities. This will help position you as a results-driven professional and will make your contributions clear to potential employers.

Many job-seekers struggle with this, so let me pause here for a second to encourage you to grab the Six-Figure Resume Revamp Course where I actually give specific examples of what this could look like on your resume. Click here now, but don’t forget to come back to finish reading this post. ;-) 


3. Mistake: Not Highlighting Relevant Skills Right Away

Fix: Prioritize Skills Below the Professional Summary

One insider tip we don’t talk about enough is the reality that no one has time to dig through your entire resume to find the important stuff. 

Yes, you read that right!

When recruiters and hiring managers are reviewing resumes, they spend just six to seven seconds on each one before deciding whether to keep reading or move on. If your most relevant skills are buried deep in your work history, you’re missing out.

The Fix:
After your professional summary, include a Key Skills or Core Competencies section. This should be a short, bulleted list of the skills most relevant to the role you’re applying for. Make it easy for employers to see right away that you’re a strong fit for the position. You want to grab their attention and get them excited to keep reading!


4. Mistake: Not Getting Professional Help with Your Resume

Fix: Find a Qualified Resume Writer or Coach

There’s a reason professional resume writers exist! One of the most common mistakes I see is job seekers trying to go it alone without realizing that their resume could benefit from a professional’s touch. The thing is, not all resume writers are created equal, so it’s crucial to vet the person you’re hiring.

The Fix:
If you decide to get help, be sure to research the resume writer or career coach first. Look for someone with experience specific to your field. They should be familiar with US-based hiring practices, as the expectations can differ globally. I recommend reading reviews, asking for testimonials, and ensuring they’re clear on what recruiters look for today.

If you’d like to learn from someone with over a decade of experience placing women in six-figure remote roles, I offer a mini-course that teaches you exactly how to write a high-impact resume. And, yes, it includes one of my favorite templates!

It’s okay to pause reading this post to register now (click here), but don’t forget to come back to read the 5th mistake.


5. Mistake: Focusing Too Much on Job Descriptions Instead of Achievements

Fix: Highlight What You Did, Not Just What You Were Responsible For

When writing your resume, it’s easy to fall into the trap of listing job duties instead of accomplishments. But here’s the thing: hiring managers already know what a typical “marketing manager” or “project lead” does. What they want to know is what you did, specifically, to make a difference in your role.

The Fix:
Reframe your work experience to highlight achievements. Focus on what you’ve accomplished, not just what you were responsible for. Use action words like “implemented,” “increased,” “streamlined,” or “improved,” and again - whenever possible - include metrics to quantify your success. Your resume should show that you’re someone who delivers results, not just someone who punches the clock.


Ready to Revamp Your Resume?

If any of these resume mistakes hit a little too close to home, don’t worry because now you know how to fix them. Crafting a resume that positions you as the best fit for high-paying roles takes more than just tweaking a few sections. It requires a strategic approach and an understanding of what recruiters and hiring managers are really looking for.

That’s exactly why I created a mini-course that walks you through everything you need to know about writing a resume that gets results. The best part? You can complete it in a weekend. It includes my template (the same one I’ve used to help several of my clients secure six-figure offers), plus my 13 years of expertise as a recruiter.

Ready to build a resume that positions you for success?
Click here to grab the mini-course and get started this weekend!

I’ll leave you with this…

Your resume is a reflection of your skills, experience, and your potential. By fixing these common mistakes, you’ll be putting yourself in a stronger position to land high-paying roles and build the career you deserve.

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