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Here you will find actionable tips and insights to help you gain careerĀ clarity and increase your earning potential.

3 Simple Tips You Need To Know To Prepare For Your Next Interview

job interview tips May 23, 2024

I absolutely love the art of the interview and I've been asked quite a bit over the years for tips to acing this critical part of the job search process. I have several tips, but I'll share just a few here today. 

Let's chat about three simple, actionable tips to help you walk into that room (or virtual space) with confidence and grace.


Be Able to Connect the Dots

You're sitting across from the interviewer(s) and they throw a curveball question about your experience. The keys to nailing it? Your resume and the job description.


Because your resume is a map of your professional journey and the job description is the destination. Before the interview, it's in your best interest to spend some meticulously reviewing both. Connect the dots between your experience and what the role requires. This not only showcases your preparedness but aligns your professional story with the company's needs.

Ready to finesse this skill? 

Dive deeper into expert interview strategies with the Interview Success Playbook. I go into more detail about the strategy behind connecting the dots and so much more! 

Click here to download your copy!


No more guessing – just a clear roadmap to career success.
No more guessing – just a clear roadmap to career success.


Storytelling Is The Key

Ever felt your heart race when asked, "Can you share a specific example of a challenging situation at work?" 

This is why it's so important to nail the art of storytelling. 


We all know that humans connect through stories. Practice articulating your experiences in a narrative form. This not only makes you memorable but also demonstrates how you handle real-world challenges. 

Take your storytelling game to the next level with the Interview Success Playbook. Learn how to communicate narratives that leave a lasting impression on the hiring team. 

Click here to download your copy!



Remember, It's a Conversation

Take a deep breath. Inhale for 4. Hold for 4. Exhale for 6. 

Interviews are conversations, not interrogations. Remind yourself that the hiring team is already impressed by what they've seen on paper; now, they want to know you. Remember, this is also your opportunity to get to know them.


When you approach an interview as a two-way street, the dynamic shifts. It's not just about if they like you; it's about if you like them. This mindset switch not only eases nerves but positions you as a confident, empowered candidate.

If you haven't done so already, dive into the Interview Success Playbook for strategies to turn interviews into simple conversations. 


I'll leave you with this...

Please don't take these tips lightly. They could mean the difference between where you are now and where you'd like to go next in your career. As you seek career clarity, customized action plans, and confidence, remember that you're not alone. 



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