The Working Mom's Struggle with Energy Levels and Balance
Get your mom energy back with Tihanna Louise, an executive coach, communication consultant, producer, writer, and former television and radio news reporter. In this episode, you will learn:
1. How Tihanna Louise manages her energy as a busy mom
2. The importance of connection to self
3. Tihanna's thoughts on how moms can communicate effectively at home and in the workplace
"If every day I can practice my connection to myself over and over and over start to get really good at it."
This is Tihanna Louise's story...
Tihanna grew up in Oakland, CA and has four children ranging in age from 22 to 9. Her mother was a straight shooter when it came to communication and she was always very direct with her children. Tiana learned from her mother that it's important to be real and honest with your children and that it is okay to show them the good and the bad. She also believes that when you are pursing your goals, it is important to manage your energy. She says that if you are feeling tired or drained, it is a sign that you are disconnected from yourself.
"Finding the connection with you means being with you. You have to be with you. Sit with yourself."
"I chose to think about my energy and what was best for me."
"Every single time, you don't choose to prioritize the connecting to yourself, you're actually hurting yourself."
"You've trained yourself not to trust yourself by not being your word yourself."
Connect with Tihanna:
The Surrender Experiment: My Journey into Life's Perfection by Michael A. Singer
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